Tuesday, August 29, 2017

29 August, 2017...
Wanted to say that I'm still here - and have reset passwords etc so should be able to keep this up. 😀

I am a step closer to having "Naniboujou" sung and recorded...  I'll send the recording + sheet music to the owners of the Naniboujou restaurant and inn.  also am working on the piece for Vermillion, SD and my folks - hope to have that performed at USD in the spring of 2019. 

Am sad about the way people react to each other.  Charlottesville, VA was a travesty.  And our president's reaction hasn't helped. 

I keep coming back to the words from the prayer book, as it talks about "the common good."  What a great concept - always think about this in decision-making:  how will this help others?  how will this further the common good?  My life should be about making sure that others are doing okay; then others will make sure mine is okay, too. 

I heard that Garrison Keelor is performing his last Mn State Fair show this year.  I wish him a well-deserved rest and relaxation.  and urge him to:
"Be well; Do good work; and Keep in touch..."

Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday, 21 April 2017…
Today is "Prince Day" in MN, recognizing the musician who was found dead in his home a year ago today.  The more I read about what Prince did for MN, the causes he supported, the attitude he held toward the "regular" people with whom he came into contact, the more I am impressed by him.
Below is a poem I wrote last year upon hearing of his death and reading all the accolades; I send it out to his family and all his fans:

World’s Awash in Purple

The world’s awash in Purple
e’en though Purple’s passed away
and riding ‘long the rainbow
to another Purple day.
And at the end of rainbow
is a Purple pot of Gain
that we will play forever
as we dance in Purple rain.