Monday, June 1, 2009

Update for all:

Greetings from St. Paul! Here's a quick update for anyone still reading: I am a part-time CAREGiver seeing 4 elderly men through the course of the week: 1 inventor (medical field), 1 lawyer, 1 man who knows where Vermillion SD is, and 1 flea market wholesaler. Great guys, all! I am also still on-call with Carver county Library. My biggest news is that the flute instructor at Carleton College in Northfield, MN just programmed the world premier of a flute trio I wrote! Lauren played 1st part, Britta S. played 2nd part, and Sarah B. played 3rd part. It was a real shot-in-the-arm for my composing/arranging psyche and re-excited the desire to write and publish. Thanks and Kudos to Martha J. at Carleton College and to the three performers for their beautiful rendition. It was even better sounding live than I had imagined!
Lauren graduates on June 13, flies to Dublin for 3 weeks, then flies to Hawaii until mid-December to study and work at the Hawaii Volcano Observatory. For the summer, Ben works in Northfield at the Carleton College Physics Dept. as an assistant researcher and then flies off to Berlin, Germany for his Off-Campus Study fall term. We'll visit him at the end of November and then fly back with him. Liz is teaching summer school with SPPS with the possibility of giving a teaching workshop in Lougou, Haiti in August. (Our renters, the Johnson's, are moving on July 31 to a new house they purchased and so we'll be painting, etc. in August) The Vermillion High School All-School Reunion is August 9 and we're planning on that, as well.
Now that we're all up-to-date, I need to mail the Graduation Announcements out. It is hard to believe that my little girl is graduating from college!! Keep reading...