Dear friends -- the school year is almost over and thus final words begin to be spoken. I understand that MILI as we know it today will not be around next year. I'm certain that it will emerge in a different form, for the work is too important to end. We all must continue to embrace the challenge! Now, having said that, I also want to say that the Athenaeum Bard will continue to post -- albeit around a larger range of topics. So, keep reading and commenting if you'd like; the A
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ibraries gave its 2008 award to the Library at Carleton College and both my son and daughter were honored at the Spring Honors Convocation last week. Transitions can be hard on students and teachers; mixed feelings abound. My son's Carleton orchestra performed last week as well; Central High School's spring orchestra/band concerts used the same format -- soloists performing concertos as well as whole-ensemble pieces.
"Watch for more blogs, my online friends,
the time for weeping is o'er;
for we won't gently turn the page
but admire this one more."
Until later then...
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