Wednesday, October 3, 2007

(thing 2) ...the more things change...

Yahoo! AvatarsElectric power is great! ... until the storm downs the power lines and you lose power. Then you scramble to find your flashlights and your transistor radio. (remember them? they used to work on batteries!) but if the batteries are low then you are out of luck, as they say.
Computers are wonderful, aren't they? ...until... I called the StarTribune to inquire about our account and was told by the customer service representative that her computer was down and she couldn't look up any information for me. (sigh) Now it was just hers that was down, not the entire system. She suggested that I try again in about five minutes and hope that I get someone else. :-)
I was deleting barcodes at Arlington High school when the system went down. It was hit and miss for over 1.5 hours, I think. (grr) But we managed to find other things to do -- other steps in the process that could be accomplished. It was frustrating; I hope that power remains online and doesn't go down permanently. We'd really be "up a creek..." [or as the character in a book my parents used to read to me says, "Stuck? said little Bill?"

I had a little trouble finding how to add this lovely graphic to this entry. Can you guess anything about me from my friend above? eh?

1 comment:

Zaqueriah said...

Hi AB, I'm highly interested in the book mentioned above. A doctor I work with recalls this book ("stuck") but not the author or title. Are you able to inform us? You could email me at Thanks so much.